
Joel 1: 2 – 14 – Jill A. Kirchner-Rose, MDIV, DMIN – On this All Saints Day, we take holy time to lament. There is much to lament this year. We not only grieve the loss of loved ones, but we grieve hurricanes, wildfires, a country working out its legacy of systemic racism, and a global pandemic. We grieve that people are dying and we can’t gather together for funerals. Family members are in hospitals and we can’t hold their hand and provide the support they need and want in moments like this. In our scripture passage, Joel tells us to lament. Lament is not something we feel comfortable doing in our worship services. Lament, however, is an act of faithful worship. Suffering needs a voice and pain needs a space. Let us lament and find strength in the communion of saints who uphold us.