The 2019 RUCC Rummage Sale is happening at the church from 8 am to 1pm on Saturday, March 9. It’s the ultimate DEClutter and REcycle event! The proceeds from the sale will be donated to Steps for Life, Family Services, and to the RUCC Building Fund. Got Donations? We need them! You can bring your sale donations to church starting Sunday, March 3, before and after the church service, and put them in the Garden Room by the bathrooms. We’ll also be accepting donations in Covenant Hall on Wednesday, March 6, 9 am – 4 pm and from 5 – 7 pm and we’ll be able to take your things on Thursday, March 7, 9 am – 4 pm, and Friday 9, March 8, from 9 am- noon. No large furniture please. Workers Needed! We need lots of help to set up for the sale from Wed., March 6 – Fri., March 8, and, on the day of the sale, March 9.